Here are several icons and avatars about the Hunger Games movie series. You can use these on your iPhone, iPad, and other devices that supports custom icons. For iPhone and iPad users, the icons have the .PNG file extension, which could not be used for Windows applications. For your Windows computers, you may use the icons with .ico file extension.
Instruction: Just right click and save the image or click on the image and it'll be downloaded automatically to your device.
Instruction: Just right click and save the image or click on the image and it'll be downloaded automatically to your device.
Hunger Games Movie Series Avatars (use these for various IM sites and apps like Skype, MSN, AIM, etc.)

mixed sources
Hunger Games Movie Series Icons for iPhone 4, iPhone 5, iPad 3

Hunger Games Movie Series Icons for iPad and iPad 2

Hunger Games Movie Series Icons for iPhone

Hunger Games Movie Series Icons for Windows and MacOS
Hunger Games Movie Logo (Flaming Mockingjay) and Movie Illustrated Cover Icons for Windows (.ico) and MacOS (.icns)
Hunger Games District Seals and Capitol Seal for Windows Icons (.ico)
Hunger Games District Seals and Capitol Seal for MacOS (MacBook) (.icns)