February 01, 2012

Jacqueline Emerson "Foxface" Answers Twitter Questions from Fans Via Teen Vogue

Jacque Emerson, the actress who will play Foxface at the upcoming Hunger Games movie, answers questions from fans from Twitter via Teen Vogue. Here are her answers to the questions.

@Margo15: Did you act out Foxface as you perceived in the book?

The great thing about Foxface is that there isn't a lot in the book. I had a lot of liberty to explore the character and her back-story. I definitely tried to stay as true to the character as I could.
@Biigiimeow: What do you think of the books?

Love them. I was a huge fan before I got cast. I think they're really smart.

@Lilbalbi: What was the best part about being involved with the games and working with everyone on set?

Probably meeting everyone. I got to learn so much because every one of my castmates was unbelievably talented. We became such a tight knit family.

@SassyDianaMarie: Foxface is a very independent character. A loner. Any parallels between the two regarding such?

Foxface really figures out the game analytically. She's a critical thinker. If I were ever in the Games, I would think of them that way; I wouldn't go in and fight and try to kill people. I'd think: How can I best beat the games from a mental standpoint? (But I would be running and hiding a lot!)

@daniellenuss: What character would you have liked to play if you didn't land the role of Foxface?

Obviously Katniss is such a strong female lead. We don't have enough of those right now in books and stories. She's an inspirational character. I can't think of anyone who would play her better than Jen. I'd love to play Rue in another universe where I looked more like the character! She's the emotional heart of the story. Caesar Flickerman would be so much fun, because Stanley Tucci is so amazing. Effie would be such a fun character to play, too!

@kissmemissmeXO: Jackie, how long have you acted, and was it a surprise when you got your role in The Hunger Games?

I have been acting since I was six years old and tried out for a production of "Annie." I was completely surprised and unbelievably excited when I got cast! I definitely jumped on my bed a bit...

@a_pittigher: Ask her about her experience with the cast and what she plans to do from here on out.

My experience with the cast was really great. We all became a tight-knit family in the months we were filming together. I'm releasing my new music video really soon (announcing the release date shortly) and I have a couple other projects in the works! I'm really excited! I also am planning on going to college.

Trivia: Jackie is already accepted to Stanford University (where she hopes to major in Performing Arts and Asian Studies).


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