May 26, 2012

Lionsgate Announces Countdown Fan Art Contests for the Release of the Hunger Games DVD and Bluray on August 18, 2012

Recently, the marketing people from Lionsgate has announced on the official Facebook page of the Hunger Games movie about the countdown art contest in which several prices could be won. Here is their statement: 

To celebrate The Hunger Games DVD / Blu-Ray release, we are starting a weekly countdown where you can win prizes! Each week we will provide you with a different mission to create fan art.

For this week, the theme is the Mockingjay. Your submission must include the hashtag #HungerGamesDVD, as well as the text "11 Weeks and Counting". Email your work to and next week we will post submissions in our album and announce the winner each Friday. You could win some of these great prizes!

The prices are:


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