September 11, 2012

Why Garrett Hedlund Didn't Make it to Play Finnick Odair in Catching Fire

Garrett Hedlund, who was among the top contenders to play Finnick Odair in Catching Fire has revealed to MTV why he wasn't able to get the role. Watch the video and find out.

"They did [approach me]," he admitted to MTV News. "But I was working on this film at the time. We shot the whole film in 23 days and I was really immersed in it. I couldn't get around [to reading the Hunger Games novels]."

"Everybody around me is flipping out about the books, and I didn't really have the time to sit down lately to read any book, not just Hunger Games."

"But I've got a couple [projects] on my plate that I'm looking forward to reading now."


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