Last year, Lionsgate held one of its most awesome Hunger Games competitions ever. They took a group of winners from around the world to visit The Hunger Games movie set in North Carolina.
Now those winners have spoken to MTV about what they got to see. Here’s some of what they had to say:
Alexander Swenson (USA):
To say that I was amazed would be an understatement; I was more than just amazed, I was stunned. We got a glimpse and a behind-the-scenes view of several set locations, which included the Gamemakers’ Headquarters and the Districts, and a full tour of the Training Center. It was remarkable how something I read several months earlier on paper could be translated into reality. I remember talking with several of the actors and how they said the Training Center “was their playground” and on their first day, how they “spent a majority of the day just climbing around and checking it out.” It was truly fascinating.
Sam Solomon (Canada):
My favourite thing about the trip was that the young actors we met were all so welcoming and friendly; it was impossible not to get along with them.
Philippa Davey (UK):
We saw a tiny bit of the trailer being filmed—the portion where Katniss is running down the blocks—and it was just so exciting to see it in the trailer. It made the whole experience seem real somehow! I literally cannot wait until March to see the film; it comes across so movingly.
I would say it reflects what we saw—which was mainly the Training Arena on the day we were there, and the fabulous, enormous interior set built for that.
Natasha Raynor (Australia):
We saw the training sessions being filmed so it was amazing to see elements of these in the trailer. We also met Jennifer Lawrence and Josh Hutcherson on set, so it was great to see them in character!
I was amazed by the secrecy and seclusion of the set. It was surreal and so much to take in. It was great to meet people from the other countries who were also big fans of the books too.
Amelie Murmann (Germany):
Before I visited the set of “The Hunger Games” movie, I was afraid that they’d maybe not get the message of the books. Or that the actors won’t be able to really BE that role. But now, I’m sure, that the movie is going to be just perfect! I’ve met the actors of the tributes and they are all fitting perfectly! And they’re also nice and open and…just the best! That day was fascinating and reassuring and… *sigh* perfect!
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