January 26, 2012

Various Map Renditions of the 74th Hunger Games Arena

The 74th Hunger Games arena contained forests, streams, meadows, pools, a wheat field, caves, and a lake. A lot of the tributes made good use of it, such as Peeta and his camouflage, Thresh and his wheat field, Katniss and Rue with their trees, and the Career Tributes with their lake. This arena was fairly dull compared to other arenas used throughout The Hunger Games, but was truly enormous, and it would take a tribute several days to walk from one end of the arena to the other. Somewhere deep in the forest, was a cave where Katniss and Peeta stayed when he was injured.

Some of the muttations residing in the arena were tracker jackers, which helped Katniss take out some Careers, and wolf-like muttations, which weren't seen until only Cato, Katniss, and Peeta were the only tributes left. There are also many mockingjay nests residing high in the trees.

After the end of the war, the arena was destroyed and memorials to the fallen tributes were constructed in its place.

Here are several renditions made by fans about the 74th Hunger Games arena. Check them out below.

Thank you Team Peeta.com for the images.


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